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The Birgit Elands Thesis Award celebrates students at Dutch universities and universities of applied sciences who contribute to our understanding of the human-nature relationship and pathways to strengthen this relationship to contribute to inclusive transformative change.

We accept theses on a wide range of topics within this general aim, including studies related to nature and health, nature-positive design, green activism, cultural practices, humans and forests, nature-based learning, transformative research etc.
Please email your submission to [email protected]
before 30 September 2024, mentioning ‘Birgit Elands thesis award’ as heading in the mail.
Only supervisors can nominate a thesis.
The award is organised by the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group of Wageningen University, Staatsbosbeheer and Natuurcollege. The price consists of a tree to be planted at the Wageningen Food Forest, and € 1000,-
To celebrate the Dutch “Year of the Forest”, a special price will be awarded for the most inspiring thesis on trees, forests, or forest management.
Criteria for submission
1. The thesis should be finalised, evaluated, and graded between 1 Sept 2023 and 1 Sept 2024.
2. Only MSc theses from Dutch universities and BSc theses from universities of applied sciences are accepted for submission.
3. The thesis should have a formal grading of 8.0 or higher.
4. The supervisor of the theses submits with a A4 letter of recommendation (including the grading) and a statement on the contributions to the relevant field of research.
Post to last years’ award winners
We look forward to your theses!
The jury,
Arjen Buijs (Wageningen University)
Karin Peters (Wageningen University)
Marjolein Kloek (Staatsbosbeheer)
Paul Roncken (Natuurcollege)